International Baccalaureate at North Eugene High School

What is IB?
- International program of study with common curriculum and assessments at the 11th and 12th grade
- More than 5,000 IB schools around the world
- North is one of only five schools in Oregon to offer the IBCP (see below)
- Focuses on academic rigor, college/career readiness, and students’ personal development
- NEHS makes the benefits of IB available to ALL our students!
How does IB work at NEHS?
All students at North Eugene take IB Literature and History courses in their junior year. Students then have the choice to continue into these courses senior year and take exams in these and other subjects if they want to.
1. IB Diploma Programme (IBDP):
- Complete 6 IB subject courses and exams
- Complete Creativity, Activity, and Service (CAS) activities over 2 years
- Complete the Theory of Knowledge course in 11th and 12th grade
- Write an Extended Essay (4,000-word college-level essay on a topic of choice) during senior year
2. IB Career Programme (IBCP):
- Complete at least 2 IB subject courses and exams of choice
- Complete a CTE (Career Technical Education) program of study (6 courses)
- Complete the Reflective Project during senior year
- Take the Personal and Professional Skills course in 11th and 12th grade
- Complete Language Development activities over 11th and 12th grade
3. IB Course Candidacy:
- Complete coursework and exams in any subject area and earn possible college credit in those areas
Frequently Asked Questions:
What are the advantages of pursuing the full IB diploma?
- Opportunity to have an academic challenge
- Chance to be measured on an international standard
- Ability to compete for admission to colleges and universities
- Education that will enable you to transition easily into university-level work
- Possibility of earning a year of college credit
Who should pursue the IB diploma?
- Students who seek an academic challenge
- Students with good time management skills
- Students who are interested in studying abroad and/or international studies
What are the advantages of pursuing the IBCP?
- Combining of the academic world of IB and the hands-on world of CTE
- Completing a program of study in CTE allows you access to internships and/or work study positions in your career of interest
- More flexibility in choosing the IB courses/subjects you are most interested in
- Earn a great deal of college credit
What courses are available to me as an IB student?
Group 1 IB Language and Literature
Group 2 IB Japanese or IB Spanish
Group 3 IB History of the Americas
Group 4 IB Biology or IB ESS
Group 5 IB Math Applications and Interpretations
Group 6 IB Film Studies or IB Visual Art
What will my schedule look like if I do the IBDP? Can I have any free periods or space for electives?
- Most students will have very full schedules junior and senior year, but with careful planning, you can usually fit in one elective each semester, or a free period for doing homework.
What should I do at 9th or 10th grade to prepare for the IBDP?
- Make sure you are taking a language class (Japanese or Spanish; ASL is an option for the IBCP but not DP currently)
- Double-up on Math either in 10th grade or 11th grade to be sure you can take IB Math by senior year (IB Math is 3 semesters)
Whom should I contact for more information?
Kendall Lawless
IB Diploma Programme Coordinator
(541) 790-4511
For more information about the International Baccalaureate Organization (IBO), check out their website.